Sunday, February 2, 2014

Just happy is all...

I really wish that I could be deep on this post, deep meaning: big words,  sentence structures longer than each thoughts life span. But I just can't get myself to do so.
Today I woke up excited, refreshed and enthused. 
I'm happy.
Well I mean, I guess you could say I am happy a lot, but today I just want to give my happy thoughts extra attention.
Happiness is a power that I think people are afraid of. 
For some reason we like to focus on negativity just to say that we feel. 
I do that often. 
I wish I had the answers as to why, but oh well. 
Being happy doesn't necessarily have to mean that you smile all day everyday, or that you compliment everyone on their shoes (in my opinion). It means a variety of other things.
 Everyone's definition of happiness is different. 
My definition I can't really explain, but I am feeling pure bliss today. 
Here is a list of some things that put a smile on my face:
Waking up on time/cold glass of water/ pretty teeth/ burps/nail polish/laughable laughs/money/shopping/grades above a b/ goldfish/ whales/ ocean/awesome ass handshakes/ nice people/ oranges/ strawberries/ mountains/ Seattle/ music: all kinds/ looking back at birthday cards/ writing thank you cards/ charging my phone/ painting/ making strangers laugh/dogs/ cats/ birds/ new shoes/ groceries/ food that looks exactly like the advertisements/ when other people like a song I show them/ receiving Build-a-Bears/ Christmas morning/ 4th of July/ boating/ water/ good hair days/ I wonder if you are still reading if so...lets continue/ Happy vibes from people/ hugs/ new deodorant/ cool names/ donating blood/ adopting animals/ new blankets/ completed homework/ just the right amount of chew in chewy cookies/ sandwiches that take way too much effort/ flowers/ random notes/ cleaning my car/ cleaning my room/ taking pictures/ coloring/ rings/ rain/ snow/ heat/ long lasting conversations/ tea/ socks/trips/ success/ mall/teal/ 
You get it I am sure. Well have a good day everyone i'm going to go paint my nails now.


  1. "For some reason we like to focus on negativity just to say that we feel. "

    ha. ha ha. so true for so many of us in this Paris community.

  2. "Being happy doesn't necessarily have to mean that you smile all day everyday, or that you compliment everyone on their shoes (in my opinion). " #Stolen

  3. I love this post. It focuses on something totally different from what people normally write, and that's okay because it's still beautiful and it made me happy to read it.(:
