I miss being young.
I miss the pulling of my hair from the lavender purple
brush, the struggle my parents went through to get my hair brushed.
I miss getting called from the playground, to come get a bologna
sandwich. There was just something about having lunch without knowing it was
lunch time. Time really does fly when you’re having fun.
The way I would wake up in my bed, even though I clearly
fell asleep on the floor.
How losing a tooth was the best thing that could ever happen
to you. I couldn’t wait for the tooth fairy.
I miss my floor being covered with furry stuffed animals and
Barbie dolls.
I miss the free lip gloss.
Getting ready for afternoon preschool was always fun. Mom
would be at work, and dad would braid my hair. I felt like a princess.
I wish I could go back to my creativity, it wasn’t disturbed
from all the many things that you notice when you are older.
I miss blasting Enya with my mom, and pretending we were
I miss when crying was over someone not sharing, not over
emotions and shit.
Learning things was never stressful; I just appreciated
being surrounded by kids my age to play with.
When Kool-Aid, was THE drink to drink.
When the opposite sex had “Cooties”.
I miss when the family spent time together; we are now
starting to drift; college, marriage, etc.
I miss when strangers would complement me with the, “she is
so cutes’”.
Oh, how much I miss when the tests were as simple as 1+1.
Now I am 17.
Life has a way to just freak me the hell out. I guess I am
excited for what the future has in store, but until then….life will just stay a
Let me be young again, give me some damn crayons.